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Computers & Internet Magazines Tips

Read these 19 Computers & Internet Magazines Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Magazine tips and hundreds of other topics.

Computers & Internet Magazines Tips has been rated 3.2 out of 5 based on 582 ratings and 1 user reviews.

Macworld Magazine

Macworld Magazine is my number 18 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Macworld Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Get the most up-to-date information on the fast-changing industry of Macintosh computers. Macworld provides reviews on the latest hardware and software and plenty of problem-solving tips and solutions. Macworld continues to be the leading Macintosh computer magazine.


Smart Computing Magazine

Smart Computing Magazine is my number 7 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Smart Computing Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Smart Computing helps users of all skill levels improve their PC productivity. Smart Computing provides easy-to-follow tutorials that cover hardware, software, Internet, troubleshooting, and product reviews, all in a Plain-English writing style you won't find anywhere else. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


SYS Admin Magazine

Sys Admin Magazine is my number 15 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Sys Admin Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Sys Admin is the only magazine 100 percent devoted to UNIX systems administration. Each issue gives you solid technical information full of ways to improve the performance and extend the capabilities of your system. Regular columns and departments feature important books, new product releases and upgrades, career opportunities, and notices of technical meetings and conferences. Coverage spans a variety of platforms, including Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, SCO, and Linux. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


C/C++ Users Journal Magazine

C/C++ Users Journal Magazine is my number 11 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether C/C++ Users Journal Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: This is the only magazine that brings you the working code, tools, and techniques guaranteed to make you a better C and C++ programmer. You'll get 'how-to' articles, tutorials, product user reports, case studies, and extensive code listings to explain how you can efficiently build C and C++ programs. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


Dr. Dobb's Journal Magazine

Dr. Dobb's Journal Magazine is my number 9 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Dr. Dobb's Journal Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: If you're a PC programmer, you'll want a subscription to Dr. Dobb's Journal! This is the leading magazine for software developers and is written and edited by top professionals in the field. These experts will keep you up to date on the latest software tools and programming techniques, and feature articles in each issue discuss current programming issues in depth. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


Tech Living Magazine

Tech Living Magazine is my number 12 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Tech Living Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: High tech meets home improvement in this innovative magazine perfect for computer geeks and do-it-yourselfers. TechLiving tells you how to computerize your home so you can perform various chores automatically and remotely, add security features to protect your house, and create the sweetest entertainment systems. From automated sprinkler systems and network-enabled barbeques, to high-tech baby monitors and multi-function wrist remotes, TechLiving has it all! Warning: this magazine is not for the technologically timid, but if you can't get enough gadgets and gizmos, TechLiving is for you!


PC Magazine

PC Magazine is my number 1 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether PC Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: PC Magazine has the latest information on personal computers for business and home use. Each issue provides product evaluations based on side-by-side comparisons, a review of tutorials, spreadsheet clinics, Internet providers, and more. This is a must-read for anyone who uses a PC!


PC World Magazine

PC World Magazine is my number 2 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether PC World Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Users of IBM computers and their compatibles will benefit from PC World. This is written for both technical and non-technical readers; its contents cover state-of-the-art developments, software and hardware reviews, user profiles, and general news of interest to the PC community. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


Computers & Internet Magazines

There are a lot of incredibly useful magazines to choose from in my Computers & Internet magazine category. The most popular is PC Magazine with its great discount price and amazing popularity. But other popular titles include PC World and Maximum PC, also designed to help you get the most out of your PC. Computer Shopper has always been a favorite because it helps consumers find the best buy for their money. There are also magazines geared toward specific programming and Internet use, creating a great forum for those of us who desperately need a good source of reliable information.


Intelligent Enterprise Magazine

Intelligent Enterprise Magazine is my number 17 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Intelligent Enterprise Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Formerly DBMS magazine, Intelligent Enterprise is for technical professionals who design and build client/server and internet/intranet database applications. The focus is on DBMS servers, development tools, data warehouses, and related topics. It also includes a special issue of database buyer's guide. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


Computer Power User Magazine

Computer Power User Magazine is my number 8 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Computer Power User Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Computer Power User is a new, innovative publication written especially for computer power users, from IT professionals to at-home technology extremeists. CPU delivers a functional mix of high-tech news, hard-edged reviews and performance-enhancing tips for people who love digital technologies. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


PC Today Magazine

PC Today Magazine is my number 14 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether PC Today Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: If you use Windows, PC Today is for you. PC Today delivers information about your operating system. Each issue includes the latest computing news, the lowdown on current Windows Updates, hardware previews, and software reviews. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


Maximum PC Magazine

Maximum PC Magazine is my number 3 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Maximum PC Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Published in earlier versions as Boot and Home PC, Maximum PC is designed for computer users who want high-level, multimedia performance from their PCs. Each issue introduces you to the newest hardware and software products, as well as giving you previews of innovations coming soon to your local store. Also included are fascinating interviews with leaders in the computer industry. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


Mac Addict Magazine

Mac Addict Magazine is my number 5 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Mac Addict Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: MacIntosh owners are a special breed of computer users, and MacAddict is a special breed of magazine to fulfill their needs. MacAddict not only tells you about the latest in Mac-compatible software and peripherals, but also tells you how and when to upgrade your computer and troubleshoot errors. You'll get step-by-step guidelines on how to use your Mac to its complete abilities, reviews of software ranging from home office practicality to intense gaming fun, and tips on using the latest Mac programs. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


Windows & .Net Magazine

Windows & .Net Magazine is my number 13 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Windows & .Net Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Windows & .NET Magazine is the leading publication for corporate IT professionals deploying Windows and related applications and technologies. Each month, you'll find timely, how-to articles, tips and techniques to help you get the most out of your Windows deployment. Subscribers also receive access to the entire magazine article archive on the Web - hundreds of articles that are not available to the general public.


SQL Server Magazine

Sql Server Magazine is my number 16 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Sql Server Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: SQL Server Magazine is the single information source for SQL Server developers and database administrators. The magazine delivers practical and timely information on SQL Server performance, interoperability, migration, and related technologies and applications. Subscribe to WebSQL and get access to our entire article archive!


Machome Magazine

Machome Magazine is my number 10 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Machome Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: With over 11 years experience, macHOME is dedicated to providing you with smart, practical, and easy-to-read Mac advice and information. macHOME offers insightful reviews, creative how-to's and straighforward buying guides. macHOME is designed to be useful and practical, with no fluff or jargon. Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.


Computer Shopper Magazine

Computer Shopper Magazine is my number 4 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Computer Shopper Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Computer Shopper is filled with information for anyone who wants to buy software, hardware, peripherals, or anything computer related. Whether you're interested in professional or home computer use, you'll get all the news you need to help you buy the best product at the best price. Along with fascinating articles, each magazine includes over 1,000 mail-order deals and great advertising, plus a useful index that helps you locate the computer product you need.


Mobile PC Magazine

Mobile PC Magazine is my number 6 ranked magazine in my Computers & Internet magazine category. To help you figure out whether Mobile PC Magazine is the magazine you are looking for, here is how I describe it on my magazine subscription website: Mobile PC is the hands-down authority on mobile computing and wireless products. No other computing magazine covers the exploding world of mobile technology with such depth, passion, and clarity. Mobile PC is the right magazine for right now! Certain magazines that include a CD-ROM with their newsstand issues do not include them with all subscriptions.

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